All,lion,lips,lick,licking,,antics,animal antics,,Animal Stock Photos,,Animal Themes,,Animals,animal,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,available,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,,Greeting Cards,greeting card,antics,,10211,,lion,lions, ,Paper Product Licensable Images,
Image ID# 10211
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageA lion licks his lips in anticipation of...a birthday cake? This funny lion image was created as a humorous greeting card image and stock photo. The image of the lion's face fills the frame from edge to edge.
As a funny greeting card the caption might read "If I said I didn't love birthday cake, I'd be lion! Hope your birthday takes the cake!"
This is just one of over 700 humorous anthropomorphic photos in our Animal Antics collection. If you don't find the image that meets your needs, we can create one to your specifications.
In this funny lion greeting card and stock photo image, we see a majestic lion licking his lips in anticipation. The image is both humorous and striking, drawing attention to the power and beauty of this magnificent animal.
The image evokes a sense of excitement and anticipation, as if the lion is eagerly anticipating a meal or some other reward. Perhaps he has just caught a glimpse of a juicy gazelle or some other prey, and is preparing to pounce.
At the same time, the image is also quite humorous, as the lion's expression is almost comical in its intensity. It is as if the lion is so hungry that he simply cannot contain his excitement, and must lick his lips in anticipation.
The image is also notable for its use of color and contrast. The lion is set against a background of lush green foliage, which helps to emphasize his regal stature and power. The colors are rich and vibrant, with the green of the foliage and the orange-brown of the lion's fur creating a striking contrast.
Overall, this funny lion greeting card and stock photo image is both striking and humorous, capturing the essence of this magnificent animal in a way that is both powerful and playful. Whether used for greeting cards, stock photos, or other purposes, this image is sure to capture the attention of viewers and leave a lasting impression.
I shot this lion in my studio...and no, not with a gun, with a camera!
At the time the lion cost me $5,000.00 to rent. When I asked the animal trainer how long I would get for the $5,000 she said "As long as he wants". That turned out to be about 45 minutes. Towards the end of the shoot the lion was making ever large circles as he walked around bringing him closer and closer to me. Finally the lion trainer said he was getting too curious and we would have to end the shoot...but I did get a ton of great raw material images and have made over 50 lion images which have paid back that initial cost many times over.
Before the shoot the lion trainer, Stephanie of Bow Wow productions, gave us a number of rules to abide by. She was using chunks of beef to motivate and reward the lion, and she said that if he batted a chunk of beef we were under no circumstances to attempt to retrieve it. She also said we had to remove all of the small sandbags (used to secure light stands) from the set. She said that he might think they are rodents and might have to kill us in order to keep them for himself. Needless to say, no sandbags on set that day!
She told us not to seperate from the pack (I had two assistants and an art director with me) and if there was anything we didn't wand "market" we should cover it because he could "spray" fifteen feet. He did end up marking the art director's car that we had brought into the studio.
Among the other animals we have rented to photograph are an elephant, a tiger, a reindeer, a deer, a baboon, snakes, numerous cats and dogs, hamsters and mice.
Once upon a time, in the heart of the African savannah, there lived a lion named Leo. Leo was known throughout the land for his enormous appetite and his insatiable love for meat. One day, as Leo was walking through the tall grass, he came across a group of gazelles grazing peacefully.
Without warning, Leo leaped into action, chasing the gazelles through the fields at lightning speed. Finally, he caught one of the gazelles in his jaws, and as he began to chomp down on his fresh kill, he couldn't help but let out a satisfied roar.
As he licked his lips, he realized that something was not quite right. The gazelle had a strange taste to it, almost like it had been marinated in spices. Confused, Leo looked around to see if he had accidentally stumbled upon a cooking competition or something of the sort.
To his surprise, he saw a group of hyenas sitting nearby, watching him with amusement. One of the hyenas spoke up, "Hey Leo, we thought we'd spice up your meal a bit. Hope you don't mind."
Leo was taken aback, but he couldn't deny that the gazelle tasted pretty good. "Well, I suppose I can't complain about a little variety in my diet," he chuckled, licking his lips once again.
From that day on, Leo couldn't resist the temptation of a spiced-up meal. Whenever he caught a gazelle or another unsuspecting animal, he would secretly hope that the hyenas had gotten to it first.
And so, the lion with the insatiable appetite became known as the "spice king" of the savannah, always on the hunt for a new flavor sensation. As for the hyenas, they couldn't help but laugh at the silly lion who couldn't resist their culinary temptations.
All,lion,lips,lick,licking,,antics,animal antics,,Animal Stock Photos,,Animal Themes,,Animals,animal,,Anthropomorphic,human like,,available,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,,Greeting Cards,greeting card,antics,,10211,,lion,lions, ,Paper Product Licensable Images,