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Hands With Water in the Desert

Image ID# 1410

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Hands With Water in the Desert. Picture of hands holding water over dry cracked earth. Dried mud rife with big cracks left when the water all dried up. Cupped Hands Holding Water Above Dry Cracked Earth. A pair of human hands cupped and held together filled with cool clear water. The hands containing the water are hovering over a fast area of dry cracked soil left when the water all evaporated away. Experts predict that water is going to be an ever increasing problem as we move into the future. I created this image to help illustrate themes around water, its scarcity and its importance to us. The cracked earth was actually a drained, and still muddy, rice paddy in Myanmar. The hands holding water were photographed in a rented studio in Buenos Aires. I used Photoshop, in my Sausalito, California, studio to composite the image together.


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