,all,Animal,animals,bird,Birds,concepts,concept,conceptual,energy,fun,funny,idea,ideas,idea,,leadership,leader,standing out from the crowd,the way forward,vitality,Inspiration,Inspirational,,inspirational,inspiring,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Whats new!,johns picks,rooster,color,wake up call,wake up!,sunrise,7032,,,,chicken,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,
Image ID# 7032
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageA vibrantly colored rooster crows at dawn against a fiery red sunrise sky. This is actually one of the first stock photos I ever created with Photoshop. I believe it was created in 1990 for SuperMac, a company that at the time manufactured large monitors for Macintosh computers. In fact, I traded the image to SuperMac for one of their 21 inch monitors and a graphics card to drive it. The total for those two items back then was about $10,000.00! At the time the image was featured by Photo District News. The image is still valid even today as a wake up call, to illustrate the idea of new beginnings or announcements, or to show the idea of vibrant color.
,all,Animal,animals,bird,Birds,concepts,concept,conceptual,energy,fun,funny,idea,ideas,idea,,leadership,leader,standing out from the crowd,the way forward,vitality,Inspiration,Inspirational,,inspirational,inspiring,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Whats new!,johns picks,rooster,color,wake up call,wake up!,sunrise,7032,,,,chicken,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,