All,success,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Business,businesses,man-Steps-Success,achievement,.jpg,Business,businesses,man-Steps-Success,achievement,.jpg,Achievement,achievements,,,Banking,,Business,businesses,,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Executives,executive,,,Finance,,,Future,,Global Business,businesses,,,,Ideas,,Man,,Money,,People,human being,person,human beings,humans,,,Possibility,,,Solitude,,,Success,achievement,,,The Way Forward,forward,,,Vision,,,Business,businesses,man-Steps-Success,achievement,.jpg,7893,,Business,businesses,man-Steps-Success,achievement,.jpg,business-montage,,Business,businesses,man-Steps-Success,achievement,.jpg
Image ID# 7893
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageBusinessman At The Steps Of Success
In this photo a businessman stands before a series of steps leading up to a Wall Street type edifice with high-rise office buildings overlayed on top. The message is one of opportunity and possibility. This is obviously a business image indicated by the silhouetted man's business attire and the briefcase in his hand. The steps are a clear reference to success and the effort that goes into achievement. The ghosted high rise buildings further illustrate the possibility of huge rewards in global or international business.
Success Imagery And Business To Business
There is an ongoing need for business to business photography that can communicate messages of opportunity and success. This photo is crafted with that in mind and created in such a way that it can be cropped horizontally, square and vertically. Room has been allotted for headlines and body copy. The heroic nature of the businessman is further emphasized by the angle of the high-rise buildings as they appear shadow-like on the columns of the Wall Street edifice looking as if a shaft of light is illuminating him.
Business, Banking And Finance
The building with its columns immediately brings to mind banking and finance. Couple that with the businessman and steps and you have a perfect visual vehicle for illustrating banking, finance and other money related issues. From big business to to home-based day traders, this image can help advertise and promote all manner of financial products and services to a broad base of potential customers.
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