All,gears,sprockets,chain,chains,dollar,sign,signs,money,commerce,industry,,Banking,,Business,businesses,,,Cash Flow,,,Complexity,,,Concepts,,Connection,connections,,,Finance,,,Ideas,,Money,,Motion,movement,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,TeamWork,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Gears-With-Dollar-Signs.jpg,7951,,Gears-With-Dollar-Signs.jpg
Image ID# 7951
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageGears, Money And The Wheels Of Commerce
Gears, money and the wheels of commerce are the subject of this picture of gears with dollar signs embossed into them. This image is a visual reference to the role that money and capital play in keeping the wheels of commerce greased. Money and capital investment are required to keep the world working, to make sure that industry continues and that work is available for all.
Dollar Signs, Infrastructure and the Working World
Dollar signs, infrastructure and the working world are portrayed in this photo of gears with dollars signs etched into them. The image is a metaphor for the role that money and working capital play in keep the infrastructure in place and working to facilitate world commerce. In this image the shiny gears and sprockets reside on a red rusted-metal background (which is representative of old industry).
Working Capital, Cash Flow And the Gears Of Commerce
The importance of capital and cash flow are illustrated in this photo of the gears of commerce. The image has been created to facilitate multiple cropping possibilities along with copy space. This image can be applied to banking, financial institutions, lenders and world markets. This is an image about how the world works and the underpinnings of capitalism. Inherent in any image of gears are the concepts of relationship,technology,the way forward and teamwork.
All,gears,sprockets,chain,chains,dollar,sign,signs,money,commerce,industry,,Banking,,Business,businesses,,,Cash Flow,,,Complexity,,,Concepts,,Connection,connections,,,Finance,,,Ideas,,Money,,Motion,movement,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,TeamWork,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Gears-With-Dollar-Signs.jpg,7951,,Gears-With-Dollar-Signs.jpg