All,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Dragon-Blood-Tree-Socotra-Island.jpg,Socotra,Island,Yemen,Dragon,Blood,Trees,RX 100 II,Sony,,Dragon-Blood-Tree-Socotra-Island.jpg,7999,,Dragon-Blood-Tree-Socotra-Island.jpg
Image ID# 7999
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageDragon Blood Trees In The Morning Sun
I photographed this Dragon Blood Tree one morning with my Sony RX100 II. I brought the camera along on my trip to Yemen and Socotra as a backup to my Nikon 800. On this particular morning I decide to give the little camera a try and just leave the big camera back in the tent. I do find it a little more difficult to work with the smaller camera, but it sure is easier to hike over the rough volcanic terrain with it! For this image I braced the camera against another Dragon tree and used an ISO of 800 with an aperture of 11 and a shutter speed of a fifteenth of a second. It worked out well!
Dragon Blood Trees of Socotra
The Dragon Blood tree is only found on Socotra Island off the coast of Yemen in the Indian Ocean. The are shaped like a funnel with thick, dense foliage, and leaves like fat pine needles, that provide great shade on the hot arid sun, shade that is important to the well-being of the young seedlings. The Dragon Blood trees tend to grow in bunches due to some extent to the importance of the shade for seedlings. The Dragon Blood trees are so named for their blood-red sap, sap that is prized for its healing powers not to mention use as a dye and even a varnish for violins!
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