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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Recycled-Forest.jpg,Backgrounds,,Balance,balancing,,Challenge,challenges,,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Connection,connections,,,Conservation,,Ecology,environmental,,,Environmental,,,Future,,Hope,hopes,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Lifestyle,,Risk,danger,,,Scenic,,,Stock Photos,,The Way Forward,forward,,,Recycled-Forest.jpg,8361,,Recycled-Forest.jpg

Recycled Can Forest

Image ID# 8361

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Recycling And Protecting The Environment

The importance of protecting the environment through recycling is dramatically pointed out in this image that combines a pristine Redwood forest with recycled cans, with one image above the other. It can be used to bring attention to ecological, environmental and conservation issues. The implication is that recycling will help protect our natural resources and the environment. The contrast between the vivid label colors on the crushed cans with the greens and browns of the natural landscape helps get the message of the beauty and importance of our planet across. 

Recycling, Balance And Nature

This image is about the balance between conservation (in this case recycling) and nature. Without balance and proper stewardship of our planet we will lay waste to our mother earth and forfeit the beauty and sustenance of nature. This is an image about the future well being of both earth and mankind. This image is about the way forward to a better future.

The Challenge And Change Of Recycling And Ecological Responsibility

The challenge of changing our habits and increasing our recycling efforts to take ecological responsibility for the future of our planet and its resources are punctuated by this image of recycling combined with a beautiful Redwood forest. This is an image about the connection between our conservation efforts and the state of the planet. It is about the connection between society and the natural world.

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Recycled-Forest.jpg,Backgrounds,,Balance,balancing,,Challenge,challenges,,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Connection,connections,,,Conservation,,Ecology,environmental,,,Environmental,,,Future,,Hope,hopes,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Lifestyle,,Risk,danger,,,Scenic,,,Stock Photos,,The Way Forward,forward,,,Recycled-Forest.jpg,8361,,Recycled-Forest.jpg