All,,New Work,,Backgrounds,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Contemplation,,,Drought,,,Ecology,environmental,,,Environmental,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Scenic,,,,Solitude,,,Spiritual,religion,religious,spirituality,,,Stock Photos,,Tranquility,tranquil,,,Water,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,8605,Water,-Drop-On-Lake.jpg,DWP,
Image ID# 8605
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageWater drops, such as this drop frozen in time hanging over a spreading ring of ripples in a pristine, tranquil lake, are iconic symbols for spirituality, meditation, contemplation and issues about the journey within and the path to enlightenment. The concentric rings rippling out through the still waters are a metaphor for the consequences of each of our actions and even thoughts. The quiet, still lake waters are a symbol of the universe and the peace that is inherent when we quiet our busy minds.
This water drop suspended over a still lake makes a great metaphor for water issues. It can illustrate headlines such as "Every Drop Counts" in cases where water conservation is of the utmost importance. The image, intended for editorial, advertising and social media uses, can be easily cropped to square, vertical or horizontal while providing ample copy space for whatever type and copy is necessary. This image is a quick read even when seen at minimal sizes with an Internet browser, yet holds its impact even when viewed as a poster. The water drop is crisp and sharp and the lake fades into a beautiful bokeh. One's attention can't help but to be drawn to the water drop, mesmerizing in its reflective perfection.
This water drop image excels at bringing attention to drought conditions, the need for water conservation, and ecological concerns. The pristine drop is a symbol of purity and simplicity. This image is a testament to nature and draws attention to the power and beauty of water. Their is the symbolic contrast between an entire lake and a single drop of the precious liquid.
All,,New Work,,Backgrounds,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Contemplation,,,Drought,,,Ecology,environmental,,,Environmental,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Scenic,,,,Solitude,,,Spiritual,religion,religious,spirituality,,,Stock Photos,,Tranquility,tranquil,,,Water,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,8605,Water,-Drop-On-Lake.jpg,DWP,