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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,,New Work,,Achievement,achievements,,,Adults,,Banking,,Business,businesses,,,Business,businesses,Stock Photos,,Cash Flow,,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Determination,,,Ethnic,,,Finance,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Hispanic,latina,latina,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Investment,,Journey,,Money,,Obstacle,,People,human being,person,human beings,humans,,,Possibility,,Savings,investment,finance,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,Stock Photos,,Success,achievement,,,The Way Forward,forward,,,Women,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,8607,,Women-Investing-Challenge,challenges,.jpg

Women Investing Challenge

Image ID# 8607

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Women Investing Challenge

In this image a woman pushes a huge ball of money up a steep concrete embankment in a Sisyphean task. The message of the image, the challenge that faces women investors, is clear and impactful. The image has been carefully crafted to allow for vertical, square and horizontal cropping for use in advertising, editorial offerings, and social media communications about women and investing. There is ample copy space in the blue sky and the off-white concrete for the inclusion of headlines and body copy. A signed model release of the Hispanic woman model is on file.

Investing, Savings and Retirement Planning For Women

This woman pushing a giant orb of dollars up a steep cement incline can be used as a metaphor for a variety of financial issues including personal savings, retirement planning, and the effort to reach equal pay with her male colleagues. The decision is left to the viewer as to whether this woman's investment challenge will be met with success or failure. The image is perfect for newsletters, brochures, and advertisements both in print and on the Internet. The image is a quick read even viewed at small online thumbnail sizes and includes just enough humor to compel readers to view the accompanying message(s).

That there is only one woman adds the idea of small business and that she is moving the money brings up the concepts of cash flow and earnings. This is a versatile, flexible and impactful image about women in business.

Pictures Of Money And Women

This is a unique picture of money by virtue of the juxtaposition of the woman struggling to push the money ball uphill, and by the sheer size and volume of the money involved. This is an image about and for the banking industry, insurance companies, investment advisors and lending institutions. The woman has her sleeves rolled up and isn't afraid of the work required, but still has the disadvantage of wearing high-heel shoes. The blue sky with just a few light clouds actually lends a positive air to the image indicating it is quite likely the woman's effort will pay off. This can be seen as a positive portrayal of women.

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,,New Work,,Achievement,achievements,,,Adults,,Banking,,Business,businesses,,,Business,businesses,Stock Photos,,Cash Flow,,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Determination,,,Ethnic,,,Finance,,,Funny Pictures,funny,silly,cute,humor,,,Hispanic,latina,latina,,,Humor,funny,humorous,silly,amusing,amusement,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Investment,,Journey,,Money,,Obstacle,,People,human being,person,human beings,humans,,,Possibility,,Savings,investment,finance,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,Stock Photos,,Success,achievement,,,The Way Forward,forward,,,Women,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,8607,,Women-Investing-Challenge,challenges,.jpg