All,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,hacker,threat,risk,,New Work,,Adults,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Faces,,,Ideas,,Intense,,Man,,Obstacle,,People,human being,person,human beings,humans,,,Portrait,,Risk,danger,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,Social Media,,Social Networking,,Stock Photos,,Women,,Social-Media-Hacker-Threat.jpg,8614,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,
Image ID# 8614
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageThis image features a ski mask wearing hacker superimposed over a background created from hundreds of individual social media portraits. There is no mistaking the malicious intent of the hacker with his ski mask hood revealing only his intense eyes. The background montage of social media portraits covers both sexes, all ages and a wide variety of ethnicities. The combined image clearly and emphatically expresses the danger that lurks in the social media world. Designed for use in advertising, editorials, and social media communications, the image can be cropped to any format be it square, horizontal or vertical and provides ample copy space for the use of mastheads, headlines and body copy.
From scams to hackers, social media sites are potential sources of problems and nightmares for the unsuspecting. This image portrays a lurking threat in the form of a hooded hacker, double exposed over the symbolic background of social media portraits. The montage portrait background is symbolic of "the crowd", "tribes", and online "communities" all of which can harbor a wide range of Internet threats.
All,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,hacker,threat,risk,,New Work,,Adults,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Faces,,,Ideas,,Intense,,Man,,Obstacle,,People,human being,person,human beings,humans,,,Portrait,,Risk,danger,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,Social Media,,Social Networking,,Stock Photos,,Women,,Social-Media-Hacker-Threat.jpg,8614,,Stock Photos,stock photos,stock images,stock imagery,