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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,plastic,bank,plasticbank,pollution,shark,sharks,,,New Work,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Conservation,,Ecology,environmental,,,Environmental,,,Environmental,Art,,,wall decor,,,Green,environmental,conservation,recycling,environment,nature,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Stock Photos,,Water,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Garbage-Shark.jpg,9282,

Garbage Shark Ocean Pollution

Image ID# 9282

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Garbage Shark And Plastic In Our Oceans

This fine art photo of a shark filled with garbage and swimming beneath the surface of the ocean was created in conjunction with the Plastic Bank in order to bring awareness of to raise money for solving the problem of plastic and other pollution of our oceans. It was created along with a shark bursting up through a sea of garbage and pollution.

Sharks have such a powerful effect on viewers that they make great visuals for a wide variety of messages. There is a mystery about sharks, and particularly Great White Sharks, that lend a powerful subliminal emotional pull. That emotional gasp we have when contemplating sharks adds a palpable power to messages highlighted by shark images. We have created shark images to illustrate the risks and dangers of the financial and business worlds as well as shark images representing online and computer networking threats. Similarly we created a social media storm to warn of the dangers inherent in social media and social networking.

Business sharks are another category that we have created...including sharks swimming in offices, and sharks gliding through clouds (representing the dangers of cloud computing).

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,plastic,bank,plasticbank,pollution,shark,sharks,,,New Work,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Conservation,,Ecology,environmental,,,Environmental,,,Environmental,Art,,,wall decor,,,Green,environmental,conservation,recycling,environment,nature,,,Ideas,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Stock Photos,,Water,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Garbage-Shark.jpg,9282,