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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,light,trails,human,brain,color,,New Work,,Artificial Intelligence,,Complexity,,,Concepts,,Conceptual Lights,,Connection,connections,,,Creativity,,Future,,Ideas,,Innovation,,,Science,,,Stock Photos,,Technology,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Human-Brain-Activity.jpg,9452,

Human Brain Activity Stock Photo

Image ID# 9452

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Firing Neurons And Brain Activity

Firing neurons and brain activity are showcased in this stock photo of light trails creating a human brain filled with neural networks and connections. This vividly colorful brain image includes rich reds, oranges, deep and light blues merging into purple, lavender and magentas. This is an image that can show artificial intelligence, the brain at work, brain research and medical brain issues.

Light Trails And The Human Brain

Light trails are used to create this unusual and highly colored, intricate, and complex human brain on a white background. By having this brain image on a white background designers, art directors and photo editors can crop the image to any format and basically have unlimited copy space for headlines, text and inset photos.

Creativity, Innovation And the Human Brain

Creativity and innovation are both shown in this dynamic human brain stock photo created from colorful light trails.

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,light,trails,human,brain,color,,New Work,,Artificial Intelligence,,Complexity,,,Concepts,,Conceptual Lights,,Connection,connections,,,Creativity,,Future,,Ideas,,Innovation,,,Science,,,Stock Photos,,Technology,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Human-Brain-Activity.jpg,9452,