All,computer,circuitry,bot,bots,zombies,,New Work,,Bizarre,,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Cyber Crime,hacker,hacking,computer hacking,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Future,,Hacker,,Ideas,,Internet,,,Risk,danger,,,Security,,,Stock Photos,,Technology,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Hackers-Inside-Technology.jpg,9479,
Image ID# 9479
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageTechnology hackers and cyber security are the primary concepts dramatically portrayed in this stock photo of three ghostly figures pressing their hands against a wall of computer circuitry. This images can be seen as techno zombies or cyber bots. In any case, it is easy to see them as threats and a challenge to online computing, cloud computing, and networking. This can be seen as an image promoting firewalls and password protection.
This stock photo is actually quite versatile as, depending on the headline and body copy employed, it can refer to hackers and threats...or as people trapped in technology and desperate to find a way out and to a less technology driven society.
All,computer,circuitry,bot,bots,zombies,,New Work,,Bizarre,,,Challenge,challenges,,,Concepts,,Cyber Crime,hacker,hacking,computer hacking,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Future,,Hacker,,Ideas,,Internet,,,Risk,danger,,,Security,,,Stock Photos,,Technology,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Hackers-Inside-Technology.jpg,9479,