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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,light,bulb,bird,cage,release,flight,,New Work,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Creativity,,Future,,Ideas,,Innovation,,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Possibility,,Stock Photos,,Success,achievement,,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Idea-Taking-Flight.jpg,9500,

Idea Taking Flight

Image ID# 9500

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Ideas, Innovation, Creativity And Light Bulbs Taking Flight

Ideas, innovation and creativity are the primary concepts illustrated in this stock photo of an idea, in the form of a light bulb, taking flight from a bird cage. The cage is held aloft by a busiinessperson's  hand and the cage door is open. The fact that the bird cage with the open door is held by a person's hand indicates that the idea, or light bulb, has been intentionally released as opposed to an escape. This is an image about sharing ideas, about an abundance mentality, and about the freedom of information.

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,light,bulb,bird,cage,release,flight,,New Work,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Change,changes,,,Concepts,,Creativity,,Future,,Ideas,,Innovation,,,Inspiration,Inspirational,,,Possibility,,Stock Photos,,Success,achievement,,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Idea-Taking-Flight.jpg,9500,