All,,New Work,,Adults,,Artificial Intelligence,,Big Data,,Business,businesses,,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Challenge,challenges,,,Change,changes,,,Complexity,,,Concepts,,Cyber Crime,hacker,hacking,computer hacking,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Executives,executive,,,Future,,Hacker,,Ideas,,Innovation,,,Man,,Motion,movement,,,Networking,,People,human being,person,human beings,humans,,,Possibility,,Security,,,Speed,,,Stock Photos,,Technology,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Escaping-technology.jpg,,9641,
Image ID# 9641
Purchase A License To Use This Image Buy A Print Or Product Featuring This ImageThis stock photo of a silhouetted man racing through a structure created from computer circuits illustrates the idea of a technology race, the unrelenting drive to create new and better technology and the competition to be first in new developments and applications. The image can be seen as a positive force in improving technology...and our lives...or conversely, as an unhealthy and obsessive drive to push technology at all costs...human and otherwise.
This image can be viewed, depending on the headlines and copy, as a flight from technology...a desire and effort to escape the merciless pressures for new advancements in technology...and the hoped for monetary profits that can often accompany such successes. The silhouetted figure is obviously wearing a business suit...lending further visual support to the idea of technology in business. The composition of the image, in addition to making for easy cropping to square, horizontal or vertical formats, by having the bulk of the image behind the sprinting businessman, indicates an escape from rather than running to technology.
This figure can be seen as an escape from artificial intelligence, big brother, or technology dependance. He can be fleeing from big data or big government. His flight or escape can be from big business as well.
The figure might even be seen as a cyber criminal escaping with valuable IT secrets and proprietary information. The view of the figure depends heavily on the accompanying headlines and copy as to whether we are witnessing a malevolent or beneficial act.
This figure of a man racing through a technology environment makes a compelling visual for discussing the advancement of technology...both pros and cons. It is at once a simple and graphic image, yet filled with the complexity of a vast amount of computer circuitry. This is an image that can also be used to illustrate issues of management facing the demands, challenges, and opportunities in technology.
All,,New Work,,Adults,,Artificial Intelligence,,Big Data,,Business,businesses,,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Challenge,challenges,,,Change,changes,,,Complexity,,,Concepts,,Cyber Crime,hacker,hacking,computer hacking,,Danger,dangers,caution,,,Executives,executive,,,Future,,Hacker,,Ideas,,Innovation,,,Man,,Motion,movement,,,Networking,,People,human being,person,human beings,humans,,,Possibility,,Security,,,Speed,,,Stock Photos,,Technology,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Escaping-technology.jpg,,9641,