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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,egg,planning,eggs,nest,nestegg,,New Work,,Achievement,achievements,,,Banking,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Concepts,,Finance,,,Future,,Ideas,,Investment,,Possibility,,Savings,investment,finance,,,Security,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,Stock Photos,,Success,achievement,,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Nest-Egg-Of-Money.jpg,9704,

Retirement Nest Egg Of Money

Image ID# 9704

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Retirement Financial Planning And Nest Eggs

This photograph of a nest egg of money makes a great stock photo for illustrating concepts of retirement planning, personal savings, and preparing for the future. In the image the shell has been mostly peel away leaving an inside of dollar bills. There is no mistaking the concept of a nest egg, and a nest egg almost invariably refers to saving for the future...particularly saving for your retirement years. This is an image that can work well for financial advisors, banks, savings & loan institutions and other financially oriented businesses. 

Quick Read Nest Egg Stock Photo

This stock photo of a nest egg is a quick read even at small Internet sized thumbnails. The image represents success in savings and financial planning. This is an image of financial abundance and achievement. Photographing the egg and money on a white background makes for an image that is easily cropped to square, vertical or horizontal needs while keeping ample copy space for text and headlines.

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,egg,planning,eggs,nest,nestegg,,New Work,,Achievement,achievements,,,Banking,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Concepts,,Finance,,,Future,,Ideas,,Investment,,Possibility,,Savings,investment,finance,,,Security,,,Small Business,businesses,,,,Stock Photos,,Success,achievement,,,The Way Forward,forward,,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Nest-Egg-Of-Money.jpg,9704,