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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,politics,political,donkey,donkeys,government,democrat,democratic,democracy,,New Work,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Concepts,,Freedom,liberation,,,Ideas,,Picture,,Stock Photos,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Democratic-Donkey.jpg,9897,flag,flags,

Democratic Donkey

Image ID# 9897

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Iconic Democratic Donkey Photo

In this iconic Democratic donkey photo the donkey is multiple exposed with an American Flag and seen on a black background. The ideas of the U. S. Democratic party, politics and Patriotism are all immediately conveyed whether seen a billboard size or as a small thumbnail on the Internet. This image of democracy and politics is just one of our collection of political images.

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,politics,political,donkey,donkeys,government,democrat,democratic,democracy,,New Work,,Animal themes,,Animals,,Concepts,,Freedom,liberation,,,Ideas,,Picture,,Stock Photos,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Democratic-Donkey.jpg,9897,flag,flags,