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Keywords Associated With This Image

All,,Banking,,Business,businesses,,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Concepts,,Finance,,,Ideas,,Investment,,Picture,,Piggy Bank,,Security,,,Stock Photos,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Piggy-Bank-Vault.jpg,9964,,

Piggy Bank In A Vault - Safe Savings

Image ID# 9964

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Piggy Bank Vault And Safe Savings

Safe savings and investments are seen in this stock photo of a piggy bank inside of a bank vault. This image combines two of the most finance symbols; A bank vault showing safety and a piggy bank showing savings and investment.  This piggy bank stock photo is a quick read instantly conveying its message of financial safety even at small Internet thumbnail sizes. The pink piggy bank is seen behind a steel reinforced bank vault door.  This image can be used by banking, financial planning, and retirement planning businesses alike. 

Piggy Banks And Security

Security is the overriding message of this piggy bank/bank vault image. 

Keywords Associated With This Image

All,,Banking,,Business,businesses,,,Business,businesses, Stock Photos,,Concepts,,Finance,,,Ideas,,Investment,,Picture,,Piggy Bank,,Security,,,Stock Photos,Pix,image,photo,picture,images,pics,photos,pic,photograph,photographs,Piggy-Bank-Vault.jpg,9964,,