Handshakes and Business Communications
The concepts illustrated by handshake pics are many and include
such vital ones as teamwork, sealing the deal, the way forward and
success. Trust, confidence, and support are also key concepts that can
be shown by the joining of two hands in that familiar and now world-wide
greeting. Interestingly enough, what we think of as the traditional
modern handshake can be traced back to the ancient Greeks.
There are actually many and conflicting reports on the origin of
the handshake, from the belief that it originated to show that one was
not holding or concealing a weapon, to the agreement (among two males in
Arabia) that they were not going to kiss each others hands, to Egyptian
lore that the handshake transferred power form the God to the King. In
that case the Ruler would shake hands with a statue of the God to
accomplish the power transfer.
Handshakes actually can have a wide variety of functions. In
negotiations, a beginning handshake serves to indicate agreement on a
“level playing field”. A handshake can also indicate the beginning of
negotiations or discussions as well as the end or conclusion of a
negotiation or discussion session. This holds true whether it is an
interview, a business negotiation or a planning meeting. The handshake
also shows trust, balance and equality.
Like it or not, consciously or unconsciously, people place a lot of importance on handshakes. A person is judged by the firmness of their grip, the length of their clasp, and even the number of shakes that are included in the handshake. Variations can include whether a second hand is added by either of the parties involved. Other factors include the temperature of ones hand, and whether one’s hand is perceived as “clammy”, wet or dry.
The success or shall we say “assessment” of the handshake can
include posture and eye contact as well. Like it or not, your first
handshake can form an impression that can stay with you for a lifetime.
There is also the entire realm of “secret” handshakes as practiced by secret societies, fraternities, gangs and so forth. In some gang situations using the wrong handshake can possibly result in bodily injury! In many cultures refusal or even hesitation to accept a handshake is considered rude.
If one’s right hand is injured it is generally accepted to offer one’s left hand instead, but in many cultures the left hand, the “bathroom” hand, is considered unclean and should never be offered. In contemporary culture there have been many offshoots of the traditional handshake ranging from high fives and low fives to elbow bumps and elaborate series touches, grips, slides and bumps.
Such variations are particularly rampant in sports where
handshakes can be acknowledgments of accomplishment and success as well
as good sportsmanship in post competition execution.
The handshake is something that we don’t think about a great deal, and yet it permeates our culture and non-verbal language. It is also, as we have seen, a vital part of our visual communications. As stock photographers it is important for us to strive to create handshake images that fill the needs of business, and the handshake pictures that serve many of those needs. Our challenge is to take the handshake photo and portray it in new, fresh and dynamic ways.